023 – Joey Carso – The Man with a Bulletproof Mentality

YouTube video

Graduation, getting engaged, learning he had cancer, and grieving the death of his brother. For Joey Carso, 2006 was a lifetime’s worth of emotions packed into one roller coaster year. In this episode, Joey discusses how Fit Body Boot Camp fit into his lifestyle post-cancer. Watch or listen now to discover how Joey stayed so resilient through the trials and trauma he faced—and how you too can adopt a “bulletproof” mentality.


“Fit Body Boot Camp is like an emotional, psychological, and physical cleanse.” – Joey Carso


Here’s what you’ll discover:

9:59 – How cultural stereotypes can negatively affect self-image.

11:02 – Why Fit Body Boot Camp makes a strong first impression with so many people.

18:17 – Zenia’s weight-loss advice when it comes to dealing with stereotypes.

20:12 – How Fit Body Boot Camp gave Zenia stability after being laid off.

25:57 – How a superhero-themed race inspires Zenia’s clients to give back to their community.


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