Workout of the Week: The Body Weight Scorcher


Ever heard of the acronym K.I.S.S.? No, I’m not talking about the famous band (that would be a random reference to make)… Keep. It. Simple. Stupid. Trainers these days love to create the craziest, most bizarre workouts to burn weight off the belly. While some of these routines can be effective, a lot of them […]

Workout of the Week: Leg-Go!

leg go

Leg day anyone? Wouldn’t it be really nice to show off your legs? I mean we DO spend most of our days walking to and from places anyways… Just imagine the ultra confidence you’ll tote when you can strut those strong and sexy legs anywhere you go! So what’s the first step you should take? […]

Workout of the Week: Power Play!

Workout of the Week: Power Play

The power is in your hands! It’s also in your shoulders, your biceps, your triceps, your forearms… We designed a great workout to power you (and your body) up! All it requires are dumbbells and effort. You might not think power is sexy, but it does come in handy. Just imagine a normal run to […]

Workout of the Week: Sexy Shoulder Sculptor

shoulder sculpt

Don’t you want shoulders that SCREAM sexy? Today’s workout will get you on track for just that! We’ve got curls, planks, “I” raises, “L” raises, and burpees, all designed to tone your shoulders to perfection. There’s also one piece of equipment we’ll be using today that really brings the burn to your shoulders…battle ropes! Battle […]

Workout of the Week: Get That Heart Pumpin’!

Get That Heart Pumpin

Healthy heart, healthy body! Did you know that your heart actually becomes stronger from exercising? The stronger it gets, the more blood it can pump through your body with every beat! Exercise keeps your heart working at its absolute best. Plus, your resting heart rate will decrease since your heart will be so strong, it […]

Workout of the Week: Get Abs, Lose Flabs!

Get Abs, Lose Flabs

Ready to ab-olish those abs? Ok, ok, that one was a bit of a…stretch. (Alright, last fitness pun, promise!) Seriously though, when is it NOT a great time to tone your abs? Throw you legs in the mix and you’ve got yourself a nice midsection/lower body workout! Today’s workout is a partner workout, meaning you’ll […]

Workout of the Week: Plank it Up!

Plank it Up

Walk the plank!! Oh right, we’re not in a pirate movie. But we are talking about the fat blasting, belly burning kind of planks today! This exercise is perfect for getting that flat, toned tummy you’ve always wanted. Planks work all the muscles in your core abdomen, including the rectus abdominus (which are the visible […]

Workout of the Week: Who Are You Calling a Dumbbell?!


Are you ready to feel the burn? Ready to get those muscles moving like they’ve never moved before? If you’re feeling the burn during this exercise, then that means it’s working! In just a little over 15 minutes, you can get a full body workout that aims to sculpt and tone those muscles, and burn […]

Workout of the Week: Truly Arm-azing!


I know you want a pair of sculpted arms, some defined muscles, and a strong upper body to boot… So…why not go get ’em? Today’s workout will work your arms into toned condition. You’ll be loving that new you staring back at you in the mirror every morning—especially when that new you has some added […]

Workout of the Week: Strong Start for a Healthy Heart!

Strong start

Are you a novice to the fitness game? Do you get overwhelmed about all the muscles you need to tone, all the workouts you need to do, or all the healthy meals you need to eat to stay healthy? This week’s workout is just the thing for you! Many of the exercises in our workout […]