Burn, Baby, Burn!

Attack your body’s extra calories with these quick tips.

Ever have a hard time finding time to exercise? Then wouldn’t it make sense to burn as many calories as you can in your allotted space of time?

By finding a fitness boot camp that you feel comfortable in and implementing these tips that the boot camp in Vancouver suggests, you’ll not only burn more calories, but also you’ll shed more pounds.

Snack First

If you exercise first thing in the morning, if it’s been more than a few hours since your last meal, or if you feel fatigued during your workout, you may be putting your body at a disadvantage. For the best fat-burning routine, you need to fuel your body with a pre-workout snack about 30 minutes prior to exercising.Vancouver Boot Camp

With enough fuel, you’ll have enough energy for a boot camp workout. The best snack? A combination of protein and carbohydrates. To get this combo, try a banana and half a bagel or a spoonful of peanut butter and a cup of yogurt. If you’re on the run, grab an energy bar. Just eat something!

Exercise in the Morning

Starting your day with a boot camp workout gets your metabolism elevated to burn calories faster. As an added perk, this jumpstart to your metabolism will actually continue for several hours after your workout. Also, people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with it because it’s not another thing to add to the day.

A Quick Start

After a short warm-up, it’s normal to start your workout at a slow pace, and then, if your energy level lasts, you’ll likely go on to quicken your pace during the second half of the workout. The truth is, following a warm-up, you’ll burn about 10 percent more calories if you push yourself at the beginning of your routine and finish at a slower pace.

Interval Training

Fitness boot camps like to incorporate interval training. Also called “surge strategy,” interval training alternates between high-intensity cardio exercise and moderate-intensity recovery periods. As opposed to exercising at a steady pace, this method increases calorie burn, improves your fitness level, and enables you to overcome plateaus in your workout.

Short Cardio Before Lifting

On the days your boot camp focuses on strength training, it’s important to begin your session by warming up your muscles with jumping jacks or mountain climbers. Get your heart rate elevated enough to get your blood pumping and your muscles loosened. You’ll be able to lift more and lift for longer. Just don’t push it too hard with the cardio before lifting, as you can zap your energy rather than boost it.Boot Camp in Vancouver

Increase Intensity

The Vancouver boot camp wants you to get more out of your boot camp sessions by picking up the pace. Push yourself harder each day and go further each and everyday you when in boot camp. By doing this, you’ll burn more calories!

Join a Boot Camp

If you’re in a rut and aren’t seeing the results you desired from your workouts, join a fitness boot camp. Boot camps provide a full body workout that will fit your fitness level, as well as help you to reach your weight loss goals. Do whatever your boot camp personal trainer demands of you and let him or her push you to your limit!

This blog was submitted by the Vancouver Personal Trainer from Fit Body Boot Camp Vancouver.

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