When Diabetes Comes Knocking

Prediabetes may be scary, but the diagnosis gives you time to prevent type 2 diabetes. Someone who is prediabetic has a higher than normal blood sugar level, but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Early damage to the circulatory system and heart may already be setting in, but the good news […]

Wet Workouts that Work

The cool water offers an escape from the heat and a chance for fun and relaxation. But rather than floating around on an inflatable or lying out in the sun, it’s time to view the cool water as a chance to exercise. Water offers a low-impact workout, so it’s easy on the joints and feet. […]

Simple Boot Camp Arm Exercises that Sculpt and Tone

Lack upper body strength? Wish your arms were less flabby and more toned? Target your biceps, triceps, and shoulders with these seven arm exercises from the San Antonio boot camp. All of them are bodyweight exercises, so no hand weights or barbells needed. This means you can do these exercises anywhere. At home, at the […]

Motivate Yourself – What Gets You Going?

Why do you work? To get paid. Why do you eat? Because you’re hungry. Why do you clean your house? You can’t stand the mess any longer. Everything you do in life is motivated by something. When it comes to exercise, there must be something to motivate you as well. Even the promises of a […]

Feeding Your Emotions – Tips to Conquer Emotional Eating

Overeating. It happens for countless reasons. Maybe it’s mindless eating while you’re watching TV. You look down and realize you’ve just eaten the whole bag of popcorn. Perhaps you overeat when you’re bored or when you’re hanging out with friends. But for many, overeating is a way to feed emotions. Stress, sadness, loneliness, guilt, and […]

Abs of Steel – Getting the 6 Pack of Your Dreams

Contrary to popular belief, crunching out hundreds of crunches every day will not cause six pack abs to magically appear. Getting a firm, sculpted belly isn’t always an easy process. It takes dedication to abdominal specific exercises, as well as a healthy diet and an exercise routine that includes cardio and strength training. So, if […]